Friday 25 May 2012

Jorah Mormont Portrait Practise - Game of Thrones

So, im just over halfway through my course and haven't really done any painting recently.  So last week I felt like picking it up again, and since im so obsessed with the second season of Game of thrones I decided to get some portrait practise in.
Im mostly happy with it I might redo the (screen) right eye because it's looking a bit funky at the mo.
More on the way....maybe.

Sunday 18 March 2012

Life Update

So I haven't been painting very much the last couple of months and I have a reason, sort of. In a couple of weeks i'm going to be starting a compositing course at Escape Studios (for 3 months so don't expect many updates!), I've been reading up and playing about with nuke for the last wee while to get the feel of it, so photoshops taken a back seat. However i'm fed up of books right now so it's back to painting for a bit before I start the course. Here's a work in progress, lot's more to do yet, for your viewing pleasure.

Thursday 19 January 2012


So I'm going to jump on the sherlock wagon, I've only seen the last two episodes of season 2 but suffice to say I was very impressed and felt compelled to sketch this then tweak it digitally. I decided to keep it quite loose as I didn't think it would suit being too detailed. Hope you enjoy.